-Take the AZ-87 (Beeline)
NORTH toward Payson. Continue going north toward Pine... if you pass the Payson Wal-mart on your left, you're going the correct direction. :)

- After you get to Pine, you're going to
PASS "Uncle Toms Kwik Stop".

Immediately after, turn
Pine Creek Canyon Drive. It's just before the LDS church on the corner.

- These pictures were taken from "Uncle Tom's" parking lot... so the turn is literally immediatly after you pass it!
- Continue in about 1 mile and you'll see the gate to Camp LoMia. Continue through.

- A little further in, you'll
PASS the caretaker's house on your right.

- Just past the caretaker's house is a gate (where the car just passed through in the picture).

- At the gate is this sign. When you pass through the gate, make an immediate
LEFT into West Camp.
- Here's the cute little dirt road leading up to our reunion.
The whole trip should take you about 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours to get there from the valley... only 1 hour if your foot is as heavy as Brice's. :)