The north platform is between Bungalows 5 and 6 (and it's a bit secluded), the central platform is just north of the bathrooms, and the south platform is between Bungalow 1 and 2. My favorite platform is the central one - it's in the middle of everything and because of the mountain slope, it has the best view in my opinion... but being the closest to the bathrooms could be ...uh, interesting. I would still pitch my tent there though.
I call Bungalow 1! Me first! Me first! Neener neener.
By the way, where are the platforms on the map?
Tara called Bungalow 4...
The north platform is between Bungalows 5 and 6 (and it's a bit secluded), the central platform is just north of the bathrooms, and the south platform is between Bungalow 1 and 2. My favorite platform is the central one - it's in the middle of everything and because of the mountain slope, it has the best view in my opinion... but being the closest to the bathrooms could be ...uh, interesting. I would still pitch my tent there though.
I call #2! (Right, Jannie? That's the one you called for me, right?) --Tiffany
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