Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

March 19, 2009

The Evolution of the Bean

As a kid - actually through all her younger years - Charity hated her nickname: Bean. I believe Dad started it long before she had anything to say about it. It began as Charity. Then Charity-nah. Then Charity-na-bean-na. Then Charity-bean. And Cha-bean. Until it was finally just Bean. No one knows why she didn't like it.

Anyway, when she was old enough to voice an opinion, she made it known that "Bean" was NOT an acceptable name for her. A perfect illustration of this is when we lived in the Gentry house. They were standing in the vanity when Tara called Charity "Bean." Young Charity spat out in an angered whisper, "Don't call me that in public!"


Sundee said...

No, That isn't how it went. Tara had called Charity "Vain" since she was admiring her glowing complexion in the looking glass. And Charity, thinking that Tara had called her by her adorable nickname, said, "Don't call me that in public!"

Jannie said...

Oh, I see! Either way it's a great story!!! :)

Jannie said...

Actually, you are right.