Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

May 29, 2009

"Night , Night!"

Our bedtime routine would usually go something like this: I would turn out the light in the kids room, turn on their nighttime music and then rock Tess for a few minutes while the boys settled down into their beds. Then I would put her in her bed and tuck her in and then go over and tuck the boys in and give them a kiss, during which time Tess usually had stood up again or at least kicked off her covers. So I would always go over and tuck her in one more time and then say one more goodnight as I left the room. Well one night I was on Skype with Mom when Chris pointed out that it was bedtime, so I asked Mom if we could pause our conversation while I went to tuck the kids in. Since mom was still on the computer while I tucked the kids in, I performed the tucking routine in a bit of a hurry and left the room without saying the last goodnight. As I sat back down to our conversation, Tess began yelling something from the other room over and over and it was getting progressively louder with each repetition until finally she was screaming it. When I finally realized that she was yelling "Night Night," I peeked my head back in the room and said "Night, night, Tess," to which she immediately stopped screaming, smiled, and settled quietly back onto her pillow.

1 comment:

Jannie said...

Oh, that just pulls your heartstrings! How stinkin' CUTE!!!