Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

May 3, 2009

This is REALLY going to hurt....

We were living in Saint Louis, Missouri. Chance was going through his doctorate education at Logan College of Chiropractic. As many med students do, Chance had often brought his "work" home with him. He had a table that he used to adjust a person's back. Well, after one such practice session, our little man Drex in all of his four year old wisdom, decided that he wanted to be just like Daddy. Drex had Chance lay on the floor, face down, arms at his side. You see, Drex had seen Chance adjust many people, and this was the way we were positioned. Chance was enjoying the fact that his boy was imitating him. When Drex had Chance in just the right position, Drex exclaimed, "Ok, this is really going to hurt!" and Drex jumped high unto the air with both feet tucked under himself, and his knees pointed right at Chances back, just like you would see a pro wrestler do. Drex hit his target. He landed with both knees, right in the middle of Chances shoulder blades--hard! Chance's breath exploded out with an "Ohhhh". This all took place in just a few seconds. Drex was right. That really hurt!

1 comment:

TaratheFirst said...

I knew that I couldn't put my tiny hands on daddy's back and push down, and pop his back like he did to me. So I had to pop his back somehow! ;) I guess I just didn't pop it with the nice ease and 'gentleness' that my dad poped people's backs with. At least i poped his back, maybe just not in the way he wanted me to. ;)
