Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

November 11, 2007

Memories of Aaron - by Jannie

Aaron, Aaron, Aaron.... Where do I begin? Most of my memories of Aaron are in my later years. I do remember, however, when he came home from his mission he brought me a little porcelain bear and a leather pouch, both hand-crafted from Argentina. I took them to school for show and tell. Ooooooo, ahhhhhh! I was so enthralled with all of his mission stories that I did my 6th grade country report on Argentina.

Aaron's a creative kind of guy. I remember he took a 6 inch peice of a broken machetti, sharpened it, and mounted it in a wooden handle that he bound in rope. Then he made a leather-wrapped wood sheath for it, with feathers and beads (which make me friendly), and gave it to me. I loved it! I remember taking it with me to girls' camp and everyone being impressed that my brother made me a knife - and a cool knife at that! I think he made a second one too and gave it to Sundee or Charity.

I've learned a lot from Aaron. Besides the hot-water-freezes-faster-than-cold-water kind of "facts" (and he had more of those by the way), I've learned a lot of real stuff, like how to make sawdust candles and wilderness survival tips. I love that kind of stuff, and he always had something new he could teach me. I remember going to his house and finding him in his backyard teaching his kids about growing food and building fires. His oldest, Adom, came up to me and told me all the different ways Aaron had taught him to start fires. I wasn't sure how great it was that his 11 year old son was already a pyro, but apparently he got it from his dad. At least Aaron didn't light the house on fire like Jayson did - although Jayson probably used the classic "Aaron did it!" Usually when Jayson said that, Jayson was the one who actually "did it," but he was still all too happy to give Aaron the credit.

I'm grateful for the time I got to spend with Aaron after college. After I graduated, I lived close by and would get to see him fairly often. We had a lot of meaningful conversations, and still do - some that make me think, some that make me laugh, some that make me cry. It means a lot that I can count on him. The other day when I was stranded in the road, Aaron dropped what he was doing to come rescue me. He brought Adom too, teaching him to rescue the damsels in distress - or at least his distressed Aunt! I appreciate my older brother. Thanks Aaron.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So nice to have some adoration for the glory that is ...the Magical Me.