Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

October 31, 2007

The I - Game

Do you all remember the I-Game? Mom would sit on one side of the room and and be the I-Person (I think that was what we called it) and we would all line up on the other side of the room. Someone would say "I" and then Mom would call their name and start counting while the person ran to her and touched her knee. Whatever number she got to by the time they touched her knee was how many things they had to pick up in the room. I remember that sometimes Jayson or Aaron would get to be the I-Person and when they called your name they would count as fast as they could, "one-da-three-fo-fi-sis-sevn-ay-ni-ten-levn..." And then of course the touching the knee part of the game morphed into slap-the-knee-as-hard-as-you-can, a change for which I think Jayson and Aaron would be only too happy to take the credit.
I loved the I-Game. I've actually started playing it with my boys recently because Boston is now old enough to get the concept. They think it's great. And I think its great that the room gets picked up. And so everybody is happy.

1 comment:

Jannie said...

YES! I remember the I-game! In fact, I remember when I got old enough to be the I-person, and no one would play with me. Charity didn't want to do anything that I told her to do, so the I-game was out. I have played it with some of my neices and nephews and WOW what fun! They have a great time running around and we end up with a clean place. It's great!

It's funny too because I remember realizing what exactly our parents were doing. Who invented that game anyway? They deserve an award!