Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

January 20, 2008

Watch for Flying Nails!

I remember when I finally was old enough to play cards with the rest of the girls. In my first few games I learned that nearly every game was about speed, not much about strategy or thought, just speed. And things got pretty intense sometimes - playing Nertz on the floor and the next thing you know, everyone's hovering over the cards yelling and slapping cards as fast as they can. And there was one very important rule - no nails. Mom never followed that rule. So the more actively we got into the game, the more hands got sliced on Mom's nails. The more violent the play, the more brutal the cut. Mom gave out bandaids for any major injuries, but the rest of us got some sweetly spoken, sugar-coated, insensitive remark like, "Well you should have just let me put MY card there...."

1 comment:

jomymother said...

And the rule still applies! you have all just forgotten... and if you would all just remember to put the all important cards "there" then I could win a little more!