Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

January 13, 2008

Squirrels, Teddybears and Bedtime Stories

Summer used to tell the best bedtime stories. When Charity and I shared a room, Summer would come in, sit on the bed, and begin with "Once upon a time, there were two squirrels - one named Charity and the other named Jannie..." and we were hooked. ANY story that involved an animal that had our names MUST be a good one!

I also remember her telling the story about this picture Mom had on the wall. The picture was a victorian style painting of a teddybear and a trumpet. I don't remember what else was in it (except it was mostly pink), but I remember the teddybear and the trumpet. Summer started with the usual, "Once upon a time..." and continued into the most fantastic journey about a young boy who had a teddybear and saved a kingdom with the use of the trumpet. It was exciting, full of adventure and twists and humble glory. One time I asked Summer to retell it and she didn't even remember that she told me a story about it. But I really liked that one - I still wish I remembered the details. It was a cool story!!!


Summer said...

yeah, that was a pretty good story, wasn't it? do you remember any of the details? i would love to rewrite that thing.

Summer said...

by the way, i'm terribly flattered that you remember that thing!

Jannie said...

It was an awesome story! I really wish I could remember it. You told it to us when we lived on Cavalier drive, then when we were about to move away from Quailbrook, I asked about it and you didn't remember telling it. Gosh, I liked that story!