Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

January 17, 2008

The Flat Tire

I remember when Tara had asked me to fly out to Missouri and help her drive to Arizona. Actually we did this twice. Once we were driving along the Texas panhandle and got a flat tire. The car was very loaded with suitcases and things to keep the kids busy and happy. We had unloaded lots of stuff trying to find the crow bar and jack, which were NOT to be found! So we were trying to figure out how to change the tire. It was getting late and we were starting to get a little nervous. After a while a man stopped to help us. As he changed the tire, he told us that he had driven past us already and turned around. He was going to help another person, but she was already being helped. So he stopped to help us. We definitely knew he was sent to us. He said before he started on his trip he had intended to help someone along the way. I think he always did that. Anyway, he had passed us the first time because we looked like two strong women that could handle it and he had intended to help the older woman (who already had help by the time he got back). Anyway, we had no way to change that tire without help. So we were definitely watched over that time.

1 comment:

Summer said...

that's neat. i've never heard that one before. isn't it interesting how some people will go looking for ways to help. i love that, too.