Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

February 21, 2008

Beautiful Blonde!

When we lived on Decatur, we had a repair man in the front yard fixing the wiring that went to the street light. I was out there with Sundee and Jannie and the worker asked Jannie where she got that red hair. The next day, another repair man was at the house fixing the washer. And the two little girls were watching him. As he was working along, this man also asked Jannie where she got her red hair. This was just too much for little Sundee and she said, "My hair is this color." At this point I knew I needed to let her know something. I told her she was our "Beautiful Blonde!" And to this day, she is still our "Beautiful Blonde!"

1 comment:

Sundee said...

FYI: you can put labels on your stories so we know which folder to look in to find them.