Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

February 15, 2008

The Tiffy Dance

Have you ever seen Tiffy dance? She's amazing! Such grace! Such poise! She can bring the whole room to attention in one motion! To reproduce such fine movement one must stand with feet together. Now alternate your knees coming forward to the rhythm of desired music, keeping your toes touching the ground. Next extend your fingers to their fullest extent. Now in swift deliberate motions, extend your right hand straight down in front of your right leg while your left knee is cocked. Repeat on the left side while right knee is cocked. Repeat alternating motions over and over. With routine and vigilant practice, you too can become quite the diva of dance!


jomymother said...

Ok, so this is terrible, but I had to try it...maybe I need the expert to show me :)

The Tiff-girl said...

oh man...