Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

February 28, 2008

Hit the Gas!

 Sundee always has the best one-liners.  We've already heard the monkeys buggin' me story and there were so many more.  That's why I think she is the Comedianne.  She has a way of saying something and it makes you laugh.  Anyone else says it, not so funny.  So, she got away with saying a few things that none of us would dare to say.  One time either in the big yellow suburban or the green urban snickee, I don't remember which one.  Dad was driving.  He was especially taking his time through some place where we all knew that the speed limit was higher than he was going.  All of the girls in the back looked at each other and silently rolled our eyes, annoyed with how slow this trip was going.  But you don't tell Dad  how to drive.  It's just one of those unwritten rules of survival.  But Sundee couldn't stand it any longer, and she voiced what we all were thinking.  She sat in the back seat that was too small for her long legs, one leg propped up on the seat in front (where I was sitting, swatting the leg was useless,) her elbow on the arm rest on the side, put her head back in a smirky sort of way, and said with a bit of humor in her voice: "Hit the gas!"  We couldn't help it, we all burst out laughing.  I don't remember, did Dad hit the gas?

1 comment:

Sundee said...

Dad was kind to me and sped up for a little while. It didn't last long though.