Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

June 29, 2009

Jannie - Big eyed story teller

When Jannie was a little girl, she was very good at inventing stories to tell. Actually she just loved to tell, anything at all. It could be real or imagined or just items in the room. A friend of mine lived around the corner. They were the Price family. Brother John Price just loved to listen to Jannie. She could go on and on. When asked why he loved to hear her talk he said something to effect that Jannie could be telling a story about the three little pigs, but somehow the clock that was on the wall would play a big role in the story and the cup that was on the counter would turn into a hero.... and so on. Jannie would incorporate an entire room full of items into every account. Everything she saw with her big story teller eyes went into her narrative.

1 comment:

Jannie said...

I must say, I told some GREAT stories! I'm told that Bro. Price's favorite story was about a daddy daughter outing. We were all out having a great time when a skunk suddenly came into camp. Everyone ran for shelter, but one girl got her foot caught in a hole. They tried everything - pulling, twisting, crowbars - but her foot just wouldn't come loose! I was struck with an idea and ran to the kitchen. I came running back with an ice cube and slipped it down her back. Instantly, she pulled her foot loose and we all made it to safety!