Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

June 29, 2009

Tyler's teeth

When Tyler and Mason were still very small. There was a size issue. Mason, whom I believe was around 4 or 5 was a big boy! Tyler who as around three was a little boy with a big desire to play. When Tyler got excited, he did not just run around, be would bite! We were in the family room at Grandma Murdock's and Mason was on the couch wailing and wadding up his feet and arms to make himself into a small ball , at least as small as his big body could. Tyler was trying to play, but with his teeth, daddy, with his teeth. All Tyler had to do to get Mason to play (yell at the top of his lungs) was run toward him. Tyler never did actually make contact on that occasion, but Mason was going to mention it to somebody! Mason was on the receiving end of those teeth one too many times. Just a note: Tiffy was mortified that Tyler was running around biting cousins and Aunts and brothers and anyone for that matter.

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