Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

July 3, 2009

Clean Sabrina

Sabrina is such a helper-girl. For real. If I ask her to put something back, she will. If I tell her to close the door, she will. If I ask her to unplug the tub, she will. She likes to put things away. She like to have things cleaned up. Brice said that we might have a neat and tidy child after all. And she is not even 2 years old!
Today I was mopping the floor and I propped the mop up against the wall while I changed the laundry. Water began pooling under and around the mop. Sabrina happened to be crawling by and noticed the pool. She crawled to the pantry, pulled herself up to standing on the food storage buckets and grabbed a handful of napkins. When she reached the mop water on the floor she began wiping it up with her napkins. She did a really good job. There wasn't much left when I got back to mopping. - True story... You can ask my mom. I was on the phone with her when it happened. Sabrina is so far behind in walking that she makes up for it by being way ahead of the curve with cleaning! (However, she did take two steps last Thursday. It won't be long now...)

1 comment:

Sundee said...

Sabrina started really walking two weeks before her 2nd birthday!