Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

July 3, 2009

Giggle Girl

Mallorie is our giggle-girl. She laughs at everything. In fact she has an excellent fake laugh if the situation requires it. When Mallorie was a toddler she and Brice would fake laugh back and forth until all of us were really, sincerely laughing. Laughing so hard that someone actually snorts. It's always a debate about who snorts first, but usually it's Mallorie. Then that creates another back-and-forth game of who can snort the loudest or the funniest. Yet again Mallorie out-shines me with her incredible skill. But it is a stiff competition between Brice and her. However, so much laughing is going on that not much snorting is being accomplished. Usually when Mallorie winds up for a REALLY big snort, it falls flat! She's laughing too hard.

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