Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

July 6, 2009

The perfect nose

When I was a young girl, maybe a teenager, I had a complex about my nose. I had an enormous bump on the bridge. I had always wanted a tiny nose, something like the one Sundee ended up with. But no, I got Grandma Tryon's bump. Mom always said it gave me character. Ya'all know what character means - ugly! So I used to dream about the perfect nose. I even came up with a way to see what it would look like. I used to stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom. I would position the mirrors so I could see myself from a side view. I would place my thumb, pointed toward my forehead right on the bridge. As if I was doing a fingerprint. It would cast a shadow that would eliminate the bulge and create a perfect ski slope from my forehead to the bridge and down to the tip of my nose. Now that was a PERFECT nose. I have since decided that my nose is not worth the cost of plastic surgery. Plus it really is not a large nose. It does not have a big ball on the end or anything. I guess you could say I found peace with the face in the mirror.

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