Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

October 11, 2007

The BBQ - by Summer

Mom was lighting the barbeque on Preston. Isn't this funny how we use the street names for the houses we lived in and it puts you right there? Sorry, I digress. Anyway, she couldn't figure out how to light it. She had turned on the gas fully and was trying over and over again to get a flame. Suddenly, the gas hit the flame and shot a huge burst of fire out of the barbeque, with mom's face right there. It only singed her eyebrows and eyelashes and hair on her forehead, but she was mad. (Imagine a wet cat). And when she came in to tell us the story, instead of sympathy, we just laughed. It really was funny to look at her curled eyelashes and eyebrows. She sulked about it even more when no one seemed worried about it. We should've been, but it was just so funny. She truly was too cute to work there.

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