Reunion Time!

August 6th-9th

Be sure get your family assignments ready for the reunion. It's gonna be fun!

Movie Madness!

October 25, 2007

Soft hearted Daddy- by Sundee

We were all watching a movie. At one point the story got very sad. All the girls were crying. Then we heard Dad sniffing. When we all looked at his teary eyes, he defended himself, "It's a sad movie!"

I love that my Daddy is soft hearted.

1 comment:

The Tiff-girl said...

I actually remember this a little bit differently. I think it happened during the first read through of The Order Is Love. The whole cast was sitting in a big circle in the gym at the church and just reading through the whole play, each person just reading his or her lines as they came up. Dad was the lead part. At the end of the play when the whole place goes up in smoke (so to speak), Dad's character is heart broken and it really comes out in the way the play was written. Dad got choked up and was wiping his eyes when another one of his lines came up, so there was a pause while he tried to gulp it all back down and everybody looked up at him. And so he defended himself by saying, "It's a sad movie." This broke the tension a bit and everybody, including Dad started to laugh.